Exercises allow to maintain a toned pelvic floor muscles that are not normally used by women in their daily lives, and therefore does not allow them to atrophy. Gymnastics Keggelya useful in case of problems with urination, with various sexual disorders, for the preparation of the birth canal to a successful and painless childbirth, to prevent disease and inflammation of genitals, as well as to increase their blood supply. These exercises are good for all women, except those who are suffering from gynecological diseases in the acute stage, and the erosion of the cervix.
In order to learn to feel the muscles that need to train, try to delay urination and determine what muscles you have declined. This reduction or compression of the pelvic floor muscles - the most simple exercise that can be performed in any environment - at home, at work or in public transport. Repeat compression and relaxation of muscles 10 times in a row, and then rest for 10 seconds and repeat. All you need to do three exercises 10 times with short breaks.
Then try to compress the muscles, and then keep them in a tight position for five seconds. After that, relax your muscles for five seconds. Increase retention time in the muscles tense situation up to 10 and 20 seconds - the longer you train, the better will be obtained gymnastics.
There are also more complex Kegel exercises, which is called the "ladder". When you completely master the first exercise, go to the "stairs" - it strain your muscles are not fully and consistently - at first weakly, then medium, and only then strongly. The increase in voltage should be stepped - hence the name of the exercise.
Keep the muscles in each position for five seconds, and then relax them maximum compression. Start with a small number of "steps" - at the beginning only three, and then increase the number to seven. Then try to "push" muscles straining them not inside, but outside. Make 10 calls for about 5 seconds and then relax. After two weeks, you will notice the results of their work.