A Hard Day's Night: how to relax after work

A Hard Day's Night: how to relax after work
 Very often people find it difficult to fully relax and unwind after a hard day's work, switch thoughts from work on something else, especially if there are problems at work. As a result of accumulated fatigue, irritability, insomnia begins - all of which can lead to stress. How to learn to fully relax?
 Learn to control your thoughts. Before leaving work crouch. Close your eyes and let go of thoughts all working problems, said goodbye to them. On the way home Train your sensory perception. Feel the warm wind blows your hair, or as frost gently pinches cheeks. Pay attention to the smells and sounds. You'd be surprised how much you did not notice at the usual way home from work.

In transport, treat your fellow travelers, you can invent stories about them, and you can read something exciting. Naturally, not accounts.

Do not carry the problem over the threshold of his house. If you have not got rid of workers' thoughts on the way, stop at the door, breathe deeply, let go of your problems.

Well, if you have a hobby that you can do in the evenings. Excellent resilience sports. Join a fitness club or simply a pool. In an extreme case, fit and nightly walk or jog in the park.

Deliver yourself a treat every day. Do what you love. Lie with a book, take a bath with aromatic oils, fragrant drink tea. You can listen to relaxing music, or watch a good movie.

If the thought of working the problems do not go out of your head before going to bed, get auto-training, you can use the basics of oriental techniques. After all, you still can not solve your problem now, release it, your brain a rest, he will find the right solution. For example, a simple and effective method - a method of deep breathing. Sit back, but the back should be flat. Breathe in, imagine that breathes light flow positive. Take a deep breath, but the slow, feel you, every cell in your body fills positive energy. Exhale makes a strong and sharp - imagine that as you exhale out your problem. Repeat this exercise at least 12 times.

Comprehensive daily rest is very important for recuperation, and the more diverse is your leisure after work, the better you relax. Sports or favorite hobby can help you make life richer, avoid monotony and dullness regular routine. Of course, the work and the road, and home care are time-consuming, but who wants to look for opportunities, and does not want to - cause.

Tags: work, Ambassador, evening, recreation, skill