Water Treatments: Bath and shower

Water Treatments: Bath and shower
 Our life is unthinkable without water. In children, the liquid content of 80% in an adult of about 70%. Every childhood has learned that water treatments are needed, and they need to be carried out at least once a day. Many esoteric and mystics believe that water is not only visible dirt washes away from the body, but also purifies the soul of man from the accumulated dirt astral per day.

The most common procedure is a water shower. Good water pressure can not only wash away dust and sweat, but also work as a massage therapist. Water jet has a stimulating effect on the skin while soothing her. It all depends on the temperature. If you take a cool shower, then your body is mobilized and in a short time gets cheerfulness. Warm or hot water relaxes a bit, adjusting to rest.

For maximum massage effect can use special gloves that gently remove dead skin cells, thereby rejuvenating it. However, scientists have calculated that during the five-minute shower person spends about 114 liters of clean water. Of course, the water is cleaned further and again enters the user, but still a part of it is lost as a result of natural circulation in Nature.

The origins of the baths go far in the past. Almost every nation has its own national kind of bath. Russian steam like fun, with a twinkle yes broom. Once paired, many catch the snow or cold water to cool and tone the body. Everyone is familiar with Finnish sauna - a small room, which is continuously maintained high temperature and dry steam. In our country becoming more popular Turkish hammam. Correct hamam inside paved with marble, which in combination with hot steam and massage offers a relaxing effect.

Banja heal many cardiovascular diseases, colds and other illnesses. Besides, cosmetic procedures carried out in or after the steam itself become several times more efficient. They say that after a bath person like reborn, becoming a young, healthy and beautiful. This is partly due to the life-giving power of hot water and steam, which was known to the ancient Romans, build their terms for rich people.

Your body any useful water treatment, whether it be a shower, bath or sauna. The main thing is that the process gives you pleasure.

Tags: Russian, water, sauna, shower, use, Russian, recreation, ham, procedure