Myofascial facial massage

Myofascial facial massage
 Myofascial massage - this type of massage that affects the deeper tissues. He has long been used in Eastern countries, in Bali, in addition, it is part of the classical Thai massage. What are its special characteristics?

Myofascial massage is quite effective method for preventing the formation of wrinkles, double chin and other unpleasant changes in the skin, which many people are beginning to notice, unfortunately, has not yet reached thirty years. A special feature of it is that the result is relaxation effects masseur connective tissue structures of the facial muscles and fascia, which allows for eliminating adhesions, unwanted muscle clamps and seals.

Warming up every muscle in the face, as well as the place of its attachment to the skin and skull. Work does not begin immediately with the facial muscles, and the first with the sternum, then processed by the muscles of the neck, face, and ends the procedure scalp massage.

This type of massage is performed only by experienced therapists with very sensitive skillful fingers. It takes at least two hours, during which time the master is seeking complete relaxation, relieve muscle tension generated by fatigue and worries. Facial muscles return to their normal healthy state, which means that wrinkles, relieves fatigue, headaches go away, Stress and stress.

Myofascial massage is not just cosmetic, but also healing effect. Improves blood circulation, which is the prevention of disorders of the brain vessels, increases muscle tone and skin elasticity. As a result of the strengthening of the muscles of the face and chest in most cases disappears double chin, smooth fine unpleasant wrinkles around the eyes, wrinkles are removed from his forehead.

The health benefits in the fact that the normal level of blood pressure, back blush on the cheeks and calm deep sleep. If the procedure to carry out several times, although it is quite painful, then disappear dizziness and heart palpitations, anxiety alarm condition disappears, the workload generated by everyday life.

Tags: face, muscle massage