Massage stones for body care

Massage stones for body care
 Stone massage is a relaxation session, which resulted in all the muscles relax, returns elasticity of the skin and improves skin tone, body rests and stores energy. This ancient procedure is used to relieve pain and discomfort.
 The process of placing stones due to the passage of the main energy channels - when exposed to heat vessels dilate, open channels, stagnation of energy liquidated. During the massage, used or only warm stones, or is the alternation of hot and cold with the aim of applying a deep stimulation vessels. Places applying stones chosen by chance - it is biologically active points, the activation of which helps the body to fight certain diseases, stimulates the body's defenses and regulates metabolism. In this sense, stone therapy is closely related to other Eastern techniques, such as acupressure shiatsu, which also affects certain areas.

Stones for stone massage specially selected - find copies of the appropriate size and shape can be difficult. Basaltic rocks hold heat well, relax muscles and warm the cold areas of the body. Sea stones have the opposite effect, cooling and removing tissue inflammation. If the session is accompanied by melodious music, performed in a room with subdued light, the impressions of him are unforgettable - the incredible pleasure that feels every cell of the body.

Due to temperature differences stone massage acts on the structure of the blood vessels, making them flexible and extensible. Stones have a similar effect of different temperatures on the skin cells - even facial wrinkles smoothed despite the fact that the basic operations are carried out only with the body. Stabilization of hormonal levels, stimulation of metabolism, relief from muscle spasms and sprains, the treatment of insomnia and stress reduction - this is an incomplete list of states, the correction of which can be accomplished with the help of massage stones. As a result of regular treatments body becomes stronger, fitter, you look younger and healthier, you manage to have a good rest and to work productively. A half-hour session is able to enter into a state of complete bliss and relaxation, the nervous system receives its portion of study, you get rid of depression and apathy. The harmonious combination of a healthy body and a peaceful soul - the main goal of stone therapy. 

Tags: massage, care, stone, body stone