Beauty salon at home

Beauty salon at home
 A visit to the salon - a great way to get rid of stress, fatigue and lead to the appearance order. Significant negative fashionable spa-procedures - the high cost. However, to make a "celebration of beauty" can be at home. Several budget decisions will help to remain beautiful without spending extra money.
 The first step is to create a suitable atmosphere bathroom: Remove all unnecessary, light aroma lamp or a pair of scented candles, turn on music for relaxation. Immersed in warm water, give yourself a little rest, lying with closed lazami. In the bath, you can add a little sea salt or herbal decoction. To achieve a relaxing effect, prepare in advance a special blend of essential oils: 3 drops of rose oil and lavender mixed with two drops of bergamot and the same amount of essential oil of patchouli.

Apply to hair nourishing mask or vitaminizing. Soak a small towel in hot water, then wrap their hair. This simple procedure helps cleanse the pores, so the hair will become softer and bulkier. Remove the towel after it cools and rinse your head. After that, rinse your hair with a mild shampoo.

It's time to pamper and skin. First make peeling, using a special tool with soft pellets. Then apply a fresh homemade mask. For example, mix the pulp of a ripe banana with a little honey - this mix will help refresh your skin and make it more elastic. However, if you have a tendency to allergies, you should try to make a mask for another recipe. Excellent results can be achieved by making a mask of pumpkin 2 teaspoons vegetable puree flavored mix with half a teaspoon of milk. In the pumpkin contains large amounts of nutrients and vitamins that help recharge the skin with energy, to achieve a beautiful complexion.

Chocolate body wrap - a popular and fashionable salon treatment. It opens your pores, eliminate toxins from the body, nourishes the skin with nutrients. Prepare a mixture for wrapping very simple: Dissolve 100 g of cocoa powder in 200 ml of hot water, add a tablespoon of vegetable or olive oil, then stir. Before you begin the procedure, you should use a scrub. He will cleanse the skin and remove dead skin cells. Then apply the chocolate mixture on the chest, abdomen, hips, turn around with cling film and rest for 20-30 minutes, covered with a rug or blanket.

Tags: home, salon, beauty, care, treatment, wrapping