Bath Health and Beauty

Bath Health and Beauty
 Bath is able to work wonders with the human body. And no matter what - Russian steam bath, Finnish sauna or Turkish bath. In any case, all recognize the undoubted benefit from the effects of high temperatures.

Why is this happening? All is explained quite simply. With increasing temperature, the pores open and the body begins to sweat profusely. And then displayed together with the accumulated toxins and wastes. Therefore, after a visit to the bath so the skin looks younger. It becomes more smooth and elastic, and it happens because of the cleaning of the epidermis.

In the Russian steam bath temperature usually does not exceed 60-80 degrees. In order to create the desired effect on the hot stones splash water. Because humidity and Russian steam bath is quite high: about 40-60%. Considered indispensable ritual massage with a broom. At the same time, and brooms selected different: oak, birch, and even pine. The effect is based on the pair alternately heating and cooling the body. During the procedure, improves blood circulation, thereby reducing blood pressure. And when after the pair pouring ice water, narrows blood vessels. Thus there is a kind of massage circulatory system.

Finnish sauna - the "dry" room. At a temperature of 110-120 degrees humidity does not exceed 10-20%. To raise the temperature, and the heated stones are used, but without perfusion of water and the broom in the sauna will not hover. But you can spend a beautiful peeling. Simply mix the salt with honey or soda and rub the body.

In the Turkish bath is the soft atmosphere. Temperature - 45-48 degrees and humidity - 95%. Client practically bathed in clouds of steam. Massage is provided, but not with a broom and hand and hold it must be experienced attendant.

During the procedure of bath you can really lose weight one-half to one and a half pounds, your body will go from lead, mercury and copper. Unfortunately, weight loss is temporary, the reduction of water-salt balance of the weight will come back, but a great body cleansing, because even the hair after a visit to the sauna become more elastic. Anyone who regularly use bath procedures, knows what a healthy night's sleep. In lactating women after bath milk flow increases. After her visit improves metabolism, which also has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and appearance.

Note, however, that a visit to the sauna is still not recommended during exacerbation of chronic diseases. In this case you should consult with your doctor.

Tags: effect, beauty, health, type, use the procedure