Acupuncture: magical shots Oriental

Acupuncture: magical shots Oriental
 Acupuncture or acupuncture - one of the oldest methods of treatment of diseases, known in ancient China. This non-traditional method of eastern medicine has stood the test of time and has found acceptance even in modern medical circles.

Acupuncture - a treatment using very thin needles that are injected into specific locations on the body. Active points on the human body according to international classification, there are about 360 pieces. They are not visible to the naked eye, but they can determine for certain biophysical characteristics. In the points of large concentrations of receptors, the higher the temperature, the faster the metabolism.

Anatomic location and functionality of all active points is strictly defined. The human body energy processes occur. Energy flows along the circular twelve meridians, which are associated with certain internal organs. Located on these meridians acupressure points, the impact of which increases, removes or redistributes energy.

Specialists to treat the body uses in his practice soothing, toning, analgesic, stabilizing and many other points. The most effective acupuncture for pain syndromes. It is perfectly treats radiculitis, neuritis, sprains, muscle pain in the neck and back pain, acute pain in the joints and spine. It turns out that the impact on certain points from frees up internal reserves of the organism polunarkoticheskie substance endorphins, which relieve pain. With the help of acupuncture relieve dental pain, headache, uterine cramps clean and biliary tract, facilitate asthma, help with insomnia. Not all diseases can be treated by acupuncture, but it can be used to significantly improve the state of the body.

Many patients fear of frightening needles. But it's not as scary as it seems. For easy painful sensations physician must determine the correct point. Sometimes chronic diseases find it more difficult, but the result of falling can be determined only by the patient's response. Needles are usually put on half an hour. A good specialist will make it quick and virtually painless.After the treatment correctly, especially in combination with traditional methods, the disease necessarily recede.

Tags: injection, treatment, medicine, acupuncture, acupuncture