What is cupping massage

What is cupping massage
 There are many techniques and massages at the moment. One of the most mysterious and most useful - can massage. In this article you will learn about it much more than we did before. Canned or vacuum massage - this massage, which is performed with the help of special glass, silicone or plastic jars. Banks during the massage that creates a vacuum that helps supply oxygen to tissues, stimulates metabolism and improves circulation.

Technique of canned massage

Part of the body which is supposed to massage oil lubricated. Then the therapist creates a vacuum in the bank and quickly puts the jar to the body. Next cling banks perform various movements. If done correctly, the skin should be drawn into the bank about 1, 5 cm. Bank moved continuously and carefully throughout the procedure. Masseur bank moves mostly along the lymph and blood flow: from the bottom up - on the back of the sternum to the spine, in a clockwise direction - on the abdomen. Cup massage accompanied by sensations of pain and moderate heat. In the area of ​​treatment, the skin may look swollen.

The benefits of canned massage

This type of massage has increased reflex effect on the receptors of the tissues and blood vessels that stimulates immunity strengthening. In the zone where the influence of vacuum, the biologically active form of a substance called enzymes. They provoke metabolic and regenerative processes, which improves the condition of the tissues. In addition, due can massage the body of toxins and other harmful substances, increases mobility of joints and spine, reduced stiffness of the back muscles and limbs, removed the so-called muscle clamps, improves the sensitivity.

You need cupping massage, if you suffer from:

• diseases of the peripheral nervous system
• pain and musculo-tonic syndrome
• osteochondrosis
• Cellulite
• tracheitis and bronchitis

Before you go for canned massage procedure, be sure to consult with your doctor, as this type of massage is useful not for everyone. Among the contraindications for canned massage include: acute inflammatory skin diseases, blood diseases, hypertension, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever in the acute form, thrombosis and other diseases.

Tags: massage