What is aromatic baths

What is aromatic baths
 In ancient times, aromatic baths were considered truly royal luxury that can afford only your favorites. This procedure is considered to be one of the nicest in cosmetology, which gives an unforgettable feeling of bliss and a beneficial effect on the entire body.

At first glance it may seem that there is nothing easier than to prepare aromatic baths - it is only necessary to pour more water, add oil to it and have fun. However, not all so simple: aromatic baths, for that matter, any other procedure in aromatherapy, requires competent approach.

Aromabath has a powerful therapeutic effect, and you can reach it in two main ways: through inhalation of vapors of essential oils and at the expense of their penetration into the skin. With the help of aromatic baths can be how to solve a specific problem, and get a soothing, or, conversely, a tonic effect on the body. However, the most precious aromatic baths plus is the ability to reduce stress.

The essential oil can penetrate through the skin into the bloodstream and lymphatic system, and using them transported throughout the body. That is why the use of aromatic oils must be approached carefully and with caution. To properly prepare Aromabaths need to dial the warm water at the maximum possible temperature of 40 degrees. Before you dive into it, you need to prepare: take a shower with soap and water, rinse off any cosmetics from the skin surface. The first reception of aromatic baths should not exceed ten minutes.

The peculiarity of essential oils is that they are practically insoluble in water. Therefore, before you add oil to the bath, they must be diluted in an emulsifier - a substance that can enhance the effect of aromatherapy. As emulsifiers suitable substances such as sea or salt, yogurt, milk, sour cream, honey.

For making aromatic baths should be used no more than 6-8 drops of essential oil, and for children and the elderly, this concentration should be less. It should not be up sharply from the bath, rub the skin with a towel - it is best to lightly wet body or give it your own dry.

Bath with lavender oil to help cope with depression, insomnia, will shape the nervous system. At various colds will be useful to take a bath with essential oils of juniper, eucalyptus, lemon, and orange aromabath reduces slagging of the body.

Tags: oil aromabath