Self-massage facial system Qigong

Self-massage facial system Qigong
 Ancient Chinese healing system Qigong - a wise and effective teaching that has been around for hundreds of years and still surprised not only ordinary people, but their capabilities and specialists.

With Qigong, which throughout its existence absorb new knowledge in the field of medicine, chemistry and other sciences, one can seriously improve your body, prolong youth, as well as get rid of wrinkles on the face. In the latter case, the best has proved self-massage the face, which can learn to everyone.

Making self-massage of the face, it is worth remembering that the principle on which to build a system of Qigong - a massage affects not only the physical, but also on the energy level. During the massage the human body are transmitted energy through the sun, water and earth, and the feature of facial massage that during the execution of certain actions, you should not touch the skin of the face with his hands. Massage can be a non-contact - in this case the palm and fingers must be kept at a minimum distance of 20 cm from the face.

Learning to self-massage person, you will be able to improve the condition of your skin, give it a healthy glow and make it silky and smooth, get rid of wrinkles, relieve fatigue and stress, improve circulation and regain vigor and vitality.

All the movements that occur during self-massage should be careful and smooth - do not make any sudden movements. During the massage, you need to relax as much as possible and to drive out all negative thoughts. Perform self-massage, tuning into the joy and positive. Massages no more than once a day.

Massage can start from the forehead - it squeeze hands into fists and middle joint of the index finger gently press on the start space between the eyebrows. Gradually dilute the fingers apart and twenty consecutive push on the active points located in a recess at the outer points of the eyebrows. This massage will help relieve a headache in the forehead. In order to give cheeks blush, reduce the risk of colds and get rid of wrinkles, rub against each other palm, and then place your middle fingers on both sides of the nose, drawing the other fingers upward. Hands are held on both sides of the first face up to his forehead, and then down through the cheek. Repeat twenty times.

To get rid of tinnitus and dizziness clasp each ear front ring finger and little finger, and behind your thumb and index finger. Rub the ears and the root of each ear twenty times up and down.
Also useful is rubbing the nose wings. Rubbing is hands clenched into fists, which move synchronously and sent up and down, going from the eye socket to the nostrils.

Tags: person, system, massage, self-massage, qigong