Sculptural facial massage

Sculptural facial massage
 The global fight against skin aging has been gaining momentum, becoming the number one goal for women and the number one for earnings of Plastic Surgeons. But is it always in the pursuit of beauty need to rush an appointment with a plastic surgeon? How do you look at to replace a visit to the doctor massage course? Of course, to radically change the contours of the face and eliminate all signs of aging without scalpel is unlikely to succeed, but much to succeed in matters of rejuvenation is still possible. All the more so rejuvenating massage techniques for face today, there simply are vast. JustLady talks about one of the most effective of them - sculptural facial massage.

Sculptural facial massage: Unlike other methods

It would seem, well, what can differ one from another massage? In any case, there is an influence of the fingers on the skin, apply traditional stroking, patting, pinching. But facial massage as well as body massage can be performed using different techniques, different intensity, duration and severity of the impact of the result.

Sculptural facial massage differs quite intense exposure and, respectively, has a pronounced effect. But the main secret of sculptural facial massage is not the force of impact, and in his direction. If the performance of other types of massage impact occurs on the skin and subcutaneous fat, thesculpted facial massage provides impact directly on the muscles.

Sculptural facial massage

Sculptural facial massage: technique of

Not for nothingsculpted facial massage got its name. You know, that is very important in the work of the sculptor? Study of all lines of sculpture, respect for their clarity and expressiveness. Without clear lines and correct forms of sculpture loses appeal, as well as the person becomes less attractive as a result of the loss of the oval, sagging skin and wrinkles.

Professional performingsculpted facial massageFor a time becomes a real sculptor, creates a perfect line, proportion and surface. And for this he needs is not so little: the skilful hands of the masseur, knowledge of the anatomical structure of the face and special cosmetic.

By the way, cosmetics must be really special. The fact that the technique does not allow for sculptural massage the skin slip. For proper and qualitative study of muscles fingers as it should adhere to the skin, and it happens just because of the waxy means invented by the founder of sculptural techniques massage the face, Joel Siokko. This tool is called Abriciol.

Unlike many other massage techniquessculpted facial massage has a well-defined schema and run time. Within 30 minutes designated for sculptural facial massage, masseur's hands are working all the muscles of the face and neck, starting from the back-surface of the neck and décolleté. Gradually masseur's hands move in a direction away from the neck to the forehead, reaching its highest point. Then perform the movement in the opposite direction.

During the massage the muscles being worked out, and focus on the muscles not involved in the reduction of mimic, as they work worse than others.

Should not expect pleasant sensations of light touch duringsculptural facial massage. Suffice it to recall that the purpose of massage is to study the muscles, and once it becomes clear that this requires a lot of effort. The force with which the master makes sculptural facial massage can even reach 4-5 kg ​​per square cm. Of skin.

Sculptural facial massage: the result

Women's magazine JustLady suggests paying attention tosculpted facial massage all those who faced problems of loss of skin elasticity, wrinkles and deterioration oval face, worsening the complexion, the appearance of a double chin, because this massage when done correctly, gives a pronounced lifting effect.

In addition, sculptural face massage - this is an excellent remedy for swelling, because during the study of muscles, lymph and blood vessels improves the process of lymph drainage. This means that using thesculptural facial massage You can solve such common problems as swelling or puffiness.

Butsculpted facial massage shows not only solutions for cosmetic problems. He is an excellent tool for prevention. After all, the sculptor easier initially create the right line, and not to correct mistakes already created. If the version with a warning of problems do you like more than a variant of the subsequent decision, then, starting from 25-30 years can think of Completion sculptural facial massage.

Sculptural facial massage: the time and place

As we have said,sculpted facial massage lasts for exactly 30 minutes. It is enough to provide a good shake the muscles and bring them in tone. Certain result can be seen after the first procedure, but a course of massage is 8-12 times to 2 times a year. It is this frequency allows to achieve really significant results are often comparable with the results of surgery.

Performsculpted facial massage Estheticians owning this technique and become familiar with the anatomical structure of the face, so the course of massages can be accessed in beauty salons. JustLady focuses on the fact that, despite the high efficiency of sculptural facial massage, skin care scheme should be selected in conjunction with the beautician. After all, a professional knows what technique would be both the most effective and safe in each case.

 Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: chart review, techniques, performance