Muscle relaxation techniques - Down with the stresses and neuroses!

Muscle relaxation techniques - Down with the stresses and neuroses!
 It is well known that as a result of prolonged stress, nervous stress occur emotional changes, which in turn can cause various ailments. Therefore, prevention of many diseases need to start up, when there is a neurosis, which is the root cause - stressful situations. At its core, the stress - is the voltage, and the opposite of stress - relaxation or relaxation. That is why relaxation and is one of the most effective ways to help deal with stress. And about what are the relaxation techniques, a women's magazine tells JustLady.

Relaxation techniques can be divided into several groups, each of which differs in content. The first group includesmuscle relaxation techniques.

This method was developed by E. Jacobson, who suggested that between the tone of the skeletal muscles and the negative emotional arousal in its various forms (ie, anger, fear, nervousness, irritability), there is a direct link. He developed special exercises, through which a person must consistently relax all the muscles. Relaxation effect after such training is not only to relieve muscle tone, but also in achieving relaxation of mental state. That is the whole point of such relaxation techniques is that stressful situations and negative emotions cause muscle tension, and by learning to relax the muscles, can reduce stress. And contribute to thismuscle relaxation techniques.

Muscle relaxation techniques - Down with the stresses and neuroses!

Best of all are able to relax only small children - if you look closely, they sleep, we can see how they are relaxed. But adults, bustling, busy at work, full of worries and concerns, hoarding all the tension, stress, negative emotions. Over time, they just are learned to relax ... TV, computer, reading and any other leisure activities do not help to fully relax. Even sleep becomes superficial, because the person can not relax even at night. As a result - in the morning he feels tired and apathetic.

Muscle relaxation techniques based on the fact that there is a better relaxation after stress. Therefore, training in that technique consists of alternation of maximum tension in the muscles and the subsequent maximum relaxation. Feeling the voltage difference, the man eventually begins to distinguish the degree of relaxation. In other words, when a person engages in muscle relaxation, it reaches of mental relaxation.

Relaxation techniques that are based on breath

When a person is under stress when he is afraid, angry or worried about his breathing becomes convulsive, superficial. Since all of the human body at this moment is filled with negative emotions and experiences, the breath just blocked them. When a person calms down, his breathing becomes unhurried, even. That is, with full breathing excitement fades and achieved a state of relaxation. Therefore, each person needs to learn how to breathe correctly (emphasis on the word "right"). "How is it, because we are able to breathe at birth" - you ask. True, we all know how to breathe, but not all of it is done correctly. Breathing should be trained to the process of inhalation and exhalation involved not only the chest, but the lower abdomen.
Breathing exercises are very much - you can do yoga and breathing exercise with her help, you can read modern literature specialists.

Relaxation techniques that are based on the images

Images can have on a person completely different effects: some make us happy and energetic, while others - very sad. It is important that the person was able to find the image that will help him to reach a state of complete relaxation. Your imagination, look for the same image and feel exactly how it works for you. Perhaps the image of how you soak in a warm bath with fragrant herbs, or relaxing on the soft feather bed, enveloping you with its tenderness and warmth, will help you achieve a state of relaxation. In short, you should try to immerse themselves in a situation that you have a pleasant and beneficial effect on you. Over time, if you often and successfully train, you can only imagine that image, and body muscle memory will help you achieve relaxation.

And finally, a fewrelaxation techniques from the women's magazine JustLady. Choose a time when you're home alone, and no one will disturb you. Start with your dominant hand: relax your hand, feel it, and then the whole hand becomes warm and heavy. Then move on to other parts of the body. You will feel how your body will gradually relax. These simple exercises can be performed not only at home but also in any other place where it is possible complicated situation.

Everyone has to find their ownrelaxation techniques: Someone help exercise of tension and relaxation of muscles, others - breathing exercises or verbal persuasion. In short, you need to find your way to the greatest relaxation. Journal JustLady draws your attention that exercise will not result from the first time to the maximum relaxation. Only after workouts a person can develop the ability of the minimum time to dive into a relaxed state. Dedicate this training at least 5 minutes a day, and over time you will learn how to get out of stressful situations with minimal losses for you.

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: stress, the use of the method, relaxation