Medical procedure: power shower

Medical procedure: power shower
 In modern conditions, when the human body is experiencing constant overload and stress, therapeutic procedures, which help to eliminate these phenomena, enjoy increasing popularity. It is to such procedures include power shower - a comprehensive methodology based on the effects on the body of the two factors of water at different temperatures, which is fed alternately, and pressure jets of water also varies - there is hydromassage body.
 A procedure that can be performed only in specially equipped classrooms, helps to activate blood circulation and lymph flow in the vessels of the skin and subcutaneous fat. Thus there is a "working of" running water problem areas in which there is excessive deposition of adipose tissue, muscles, joints and ligaments, and indirectly strengthens the nervous system. Improves metabolism, thereby reducing the degree of neuromuscular contractions of the limbs and spine, as well as reduce the amount of problem areas of the body.

During the procedure, the patient is standing, holding hands on special assignment, and the operator sends a massage setting body water jet - alternating hot and cold, and with varying pressure. By the operator rotates the patient in different parts of the body, with the most sensitive areas - breasts, armpits and groin area, vulva - the jet of water is not affected. The zone of main impact will depend on the goals and problems that led the patient as spas - in the case of degenerative disc disease and constant sedentary work the main influence is given to the spine, and in the case of cellulite systematically treated areas of fat.

Contraindication to the soul of Charcot are some cardiovascular disease and inflammatory diseases of the skin in which the effects on the skin generally contraindicated. Before the course of treatment should consult a specialist, whether the procedure will not cause harm to health.

It should be noted that as a "procedure of desperation" to leave power shower is not necessary, because of the jet of water on the body, especially in patients with sensitive skin may be bruising and bruising, and relaxing on the beach would be problematic. The criterion of effectiveness of the procedure is the reddening of the skin in the affected area, and a feeling of warmth remaining for some time after the procedure.

Usually, one course is assigned 10-15 sessions soul Charcot, and between courses of therapy should be at least 6 months.

Tags: Shower, procedure, Shark, Shark