Massage snakes

Massage snakes
 Fans of massage for yourself can open up a whole new kind of spa services. On the shores of Israel is gradually gaining popularity massage using live snakes. Slow cool snake twists and slide along the back, as if the hands of an experienced masseuse and get the feeling can not be compared with any other.

Massage with snakes - exquisite pleasure and at the same time extreme. Most people are afraid of snakes or find them unpleasant, so no psychological training a few will be able to withstand this "torture."

For a man who never touched a snake, it is difficult to imagine how its scaly rough skin will help him relax. But as soon overcome initial fears, physical contact with snakes becomes enjoyable. With each passing day the snake massage increases the number of its fans.

This procedure is used about six species of snakes, which include a python snake spotted, too copperhead. Entwined snakes will be located on your abdomen, back or face. It is worth noting that none of these species is not toxic.

Special worker who attends the procedure follows the snakes, not allowing them to spread beyond the body. Reptiles massaged on a unique methodology: creeping along the body, they are uniformly and selectively jam on different areas of the skin, hair weave, nibbling at eyelashes and slip through your fingers. Some might think that the procedure is similar to the attachment of a cool compress.

The size depends on the type of snake massage. Large snakes massaged deep-seated muscles. Small snakes are easy to perform, "fluttering" massage. During facial treatments snake slowly and successively passes through different parts of the face, thereby stimulating its circulation. After this massage observed symptomatic relief of migraine.

From biblical times of Adam and Eve snake got into disrepute. Now they have a chance to be rehabilitated before mankind. No matter how incredible it seemed kind of massage, but the people who try it, admit that he has an excellent therapeutic effect.

Tags: massage