How to use rose petals

How to use rose petals
 Often, even matched with love and presented a bouquet of roses is not as long as we would like. And it becomes genuinely sorry when you have to throw a wilted bouquet. But do not grieve much: even dried rose petals can bring you a lot of fun.  

Roses are widely used in cosmetics as they contain a huge supply of vitamins and minerals. Selenium contained in the petals of roses, fights the aging process, chromium is converted into glucose sugar, zinc promotes growth of hair and nails. To transfer the beneficial properties of roses can be infinite.

Decoction of rose petals improves cardiac activity, helps get rid of insomnia, headaches, uplifting. Petals can even brew with the usual tea.

To save a woman's beauty can be prepared rosewater. To do this, 10 spoons of dry petals must pour a liter of boiling water in a glass, then cover with a lid. When the broth has cooled, it is necessary to drain. Rose water helps prolong youth and beauty, tightens pores, removes irritation, helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

To enhance this effect can be made and a pink mask. Soak cotton pads in rose water, apply for 20 minutes on a cleansed face. Frozen cubes of rose water will also have a beneficial effect on the skin.

And what about a bath of rose petals! Relieves fatigue, eliminates anxiety, cleanses the skin, the effect is stunning. Is prepared in the following way: a few roses divided into petals, fill in the three-liter jar and fill with water. Insist half an hour, then add in a bath with petals. Healing effect will increase if you add in the water beet juice.

It would be wrong not to tell about the jam of roses. Taken to make jams and fresh roses. Washed petals, tightly packed, put in a jar layers, sprinkling sugar and tightly close the lid. Petal stands juice, which will dissolve the sugar. Keep the dish must be in the fridge, then the jam will not spoil for a whole year.

Tags: water, rose petal, broth