How do steam baths

How do steam baths
 Steam baths are ideal for the preparation of skin to peel at home. Under the influence of steam enhanced circulation and expanding pores. The composition of the bath depends on the skin type.
 Baths, home-cooked, efficiency does not concede to the fact that they use in beauty salons. They can be prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs or essential oils. Take steam bath is contraindicated for people with asthma, as well as having problems with blood pressure. If you have facial herpes sores or small, please refrain from the procedure to recover.

Before taking a steam bath, clean the face with a lotion or tonic, paying attention to the neck and décolleté. Apply to lips and eyelids greasy cream, gather hair into a ponytail or wear a bandage. Take enamel bowl or a small bowl, pour in a herb broth (infusion or cleaned with hot water 5-7 drops of essential oil). Hold the face over the steam, covered his head with a towel. Then wash with cool water and apply a nourishing mask or scrub. Carry out this procedure is better in the evening before bedtime.

For dry skin, use a decoction prepared on the basis of chamomile, dandelion, rose petals, orange peel. Duration of treatment should not exceed 2-3 minutes. Steam bath for dry skin, take only as needed and not more than 1 time in 2 months.

Combination and oily skin need a more frequent basis. They are encouraged to take every 10-14 days. For the preparation of a steam bath, use sage, birch buds, mother and stepmother, calendula, linden, oak bark. Duration of treatment is 8-10 min.

If you have normal skin, then clean it with a pair should be no more than 1 time per month and no longer than 5 minutes. To do this, just put it in hot water in equal parts or individually 2 tablespoons crushed chamomile flowers or a handful of rose petals. Lovers of essential oils for this procedure can recommend lavender or bergamot.

For aging skin suit broths nettle, sage, orange peel, ginger and mint. Take a steam bath is not more than 1 time per month for 3 min. After completion of the wash with cool water and apply on face night cream.

Tags: bath