Essential oils for cellulite

 Many women mistakenly believe that obesity and cellulite - the same thing. However, this is not so. Cellulite feature is that it can appear regardless of your age and physique and, like any disease, requires more than one type of treatment, and a whole range of measures. Such a comprehensive approach to the fight against cellulite can provide essential oils.

In the rubric Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy for weight loss

Women's magazine offers JustLady find out whatessential oilsthe most successful fight against the disease, and gives several recipes for your home beauty salon.

Tocellulite treatment applyessential oilsImproving blood circulation and lymph flow, improves skin elasticity, which can destroy fat cells and out of the water problem areas.

These properties areessential oils cypress, anise, citrus (orange, mandarin, lemon, grapefruit), lavender. Cedar oil helps to remove excess fluid, and sandalwood oil improves the flow of lymph. Geranium and sage activate the release of fat and rosemary balances the hormonal disorder which is often the cause of cellulite. Improve the elasticity of the skin oils of vetiver, ylang-ylang, jasmine.

And now we offer you some recipes efficient use of essential oils against cellulite.

Bath with essential oils against cellulite - One of the most enjoyable and effective means. While you are relaxing in the warm water, breathing divine scents of essential oils active substances are fighting hard for your harmony.

This procedure is necessary to fill the tub with warm water (not above 38O), add oil or a mixture thereof, to plunge into the water ready to receive and treat. After a bath is better to rest for 20-30 minutes, covered with a blanket. So, the options mixtures for baths.
1. Put a bath in two drops of essential oils of fennel, cypress and rosemary.
2. Add water 2 drops lemon oil, 2 drops of geranium and 2 drops of rosemary.
3. For olive oil, taken as a basis, add 5-8 drops of orange oil.

Good action on the problem areas havewraps with essential oils.
1. Take 20 ml of base oil and add to it three drops of oil of juniper, lemon and lavender. Mix well and apply on your body. Turn around the film, and the top cover with a blanket or warm gird. Duration of procedure - 1 hour, the mixture was field need to wash off, and the body grease nourishing cream.

2. Dissolve natural apple cider vinegar boiled water in equal proportions. Add to a solution of potassium 3 mint, lemon and rosemary.

3. Dilute white clay with water to mushy state and add 3 drops of oil of cinnamon and orange. These wraps make in a day, the course of 10 treatments.

4. Stir the black clay (you can take any other) with water to desired consistency and add to the mix a couple of tablespoons shredded seaweed well. Stir and add 5 drops of essential oil of orange or lemon. Duration of procedure 40 minutes.

5. Two tablespoons of fucus good grind in a coffee grinder and pour hot water to swell. After 20 minutes, when the mixture is cool enough, add to it one egg yolk, 20 drops of camphor and 10 drops of lemon oil.

6. To prepare the mixture for wrapping Mix a teaspoon of olive oil, 10 drops of essential oils of mandarin, three tablespoons of honey and 10 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Duration wraps one hour.

Another method of applicationessential oils against cellulite - massage. You can massage the problem areas using one or a mixture of oil, can be added to them, and honey.

Suggest that you try the following mixture to massage.

1. Mix 3 drops of cinnamon oil, 5 drops of nutmeg, 8 drops of geranium and 10 drops of bergamot and grapefruit. The mixture is well absorbed by the skin, then rub vigorously using a special massager or massage gloves. For best results, make the procedure 2 times per day.

2. Mix 2 drops of orange oil, 3 drops of juniper and 3 drops of lemon and 2 drops of lavender. Add natural honey. The mixture was put on the problem areas and massage with the help of vigorous slaps, to give a white foamy mass (about 5-7 minutes), then the mixture was washed out, lubricate the skin cream for the body.

3. 5 drops of essential oils of orange and lemon mixed with honey. Massage as in the previous recipe.

When mixingessential oils should consider a few rules. Firstly, foressential oilsbest glassware. Second, by mixing in a glass container first dripping oil amount is less prescription. Then add other oil ascending volume and end-topped oil basis. Thirdly, mixture witharomatic oils avoid making a number of applications, they are stored for a long time. So why would you not prepared mixture - use it fully, do not leave for another time.

And of course, before you start to applyessential oils against cellulite, Be sure that you do not have allergic reactions to selected flavors. It is also useful to clarify contraindications for diseases and pregnancy.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: oil, pregnancy, orange, vitamin, essential oils