Douches: the benefits and harms

Douches: the benefits and harms
 Douches is not a panacea for all ills, contrary to popular belief of many people. He can bring and the harm and benefit. The idea is to first person pouring warm water, then hot, and finally cold. So you need to do several times, spraying all parts of the body, and it is always necessary to finish with cold water.

By contrasting the soul to get used gradually, starting preferably in the warmer months. The first 3-4 weeks is better to take a shower with warm and hot temperatures, and later to do just one lap perfusion, including briefly cool water for 10 seconds will be enough. On the 5th week you can do 2 laps pouring more and use cold water. After 2 months you can safely move from cold water on the ice, but no more than 20 seconds.

With a contrast shower can quickly cheer up the body, improve blood circulation, thereby leaving stagnation, cleanse the body, refresh your skin. And gradually strengthens the immune system become stronger vessels and muscles, improving performance of the endocrine glands. While taking a shower the body loses a lot of calories, promotes weight loss.

The skin pores open when pouring hot water dilates blood vessels, when the transition took place in the cold water, the pores begin to narrow. With this skin becomes more supple and smooth. Douches is an excellent prevention of cellulite and sagging skin.

But you need to take a shower with caution, it is contraindicated in people with cancer, disorders of the cardiovascular system, thrombophlebitis and during exacerbations of chronic diseases. Weakened or sick people can catch a cold after such bathing. If there was unwell and it seems that just about the temperature rises, or tickle in the throat, the shower should be abandoned until the condition improves.

In contact with the body of cold water, the body gets stress actively produce adrenaline, so an increase in lymph nodes douche better not to use.

After douche need to rub the body with a towel to dry completely.

Tags: Shower, benefits, harms