Bath with milk and honey. Cleopatra knew a lot about procedures!

Bath with milk and honey. Cleopatra knew a lot about procedures!
 From time immemorial have survived the best recipes for female beauty. From generation to generation by the most effective and proven tools used to preserve youth. This is the famous Cleopatra bath. According to legend, it took herself queen of Egypt, to make your skin gorgeous.

To prepare the bath of Cleopatra, we need milk and honey. Cup of honey (100-150 ml) dissolved in a liter of hot milk, but not boiled! The solution was poured into the tub for bathing. The water temperature should meet the normal human body temperature - 36-37 ° C. The water level in the bath must be such that the income of a person to the heart. Cleopatra need to take a bath for 10 to 15 minutes, no more. The skin after the adoption of this procedure becomes extremely soft and smooth, well-hydrated and softened.

Average milk can replace dry. Then prepare the bath should take 1-2 kg of milk powder. But if it is possible, it is better to take normal milk.

To enhance the effect of Cleopatra bath, before it can process the adoption of the skin of the whole body scrub specially prepared. Here's the recipe: 300 g of sea salt rub and mix with 1/2 cup of heavy cream. Mixture rub the whole body, then rinse it with warm water. This scrub cleanses the skin from dead particles and prepare her to take nutritious and rejuvenating milk and honey baths.

As an addition to the bath of Cleopatra by modern women can suggest the following means. Taking milk and honey bath, put her in a handful of oatmeal, tied in several layers of cheesecloth or nylon stocking, and after the bath rub the body with this oatmeal bag. The result probably would have liked, and the queen of Egypt - the skin is very smooth, moisturized and silky.

Besides Cleopatra bath, there are recipes for facial masks having the same components - with milk and honey. The authorship of these recipes is also credited with Cleopatra. The mask is suitable for all skin types. Warm milk and honey mix, applied to the face and neck and left for half an hour. Then rinsed with warm water.

The second mask is based on Cleopatra's beauty properties of clay. This mask is perfectly cleanses and whitens the skin. Prepare it thus: take in equal parts clay, sour cream, honey and lemon juice, mixed and applied to the face and neck. After 20 minutes, warm wash mask, and then - in cold water.

Tags: honey bath, milk bath, a procedure Cleopatra sense