Aromatherapy: history, technology and the impact of modern methods of aromatherapy

Aromatherapy: history, technology and the impact of modern methods of aromatherapy
 Aromatherapy - a branch of alternative medicine that studies the ways and methods of influence of aromatic substances of plant origin, on the human body.

Birth of aromatherapy as a medical industry occurred in the 1920s with a light hand the French chemist and perfumer Gattefosse. Or rather, not with a light and a burnt hand. Legend has it that the perfumer burned in his laboratory hands and was able to cure burns only because of lavender essential oil, in which either out of despair, or accidentally dropped his hands.

Aromatherapy utilizes essential oils for the treatment of vegetable origin, having a specific smell. Called "essential" oils obtained in ancient times, so it only means that they are volatile.

Aromatic oils action occurs at the level of the brain structures. First of all, at the level of the olfactory brain (hippocampus, hypothalamus, amygdala), another name - the limbic system. It is known that any disease can appear a consequence of chronic or severe stress, which form the pathological and functional changes in the brain. And brain damage on the regulation of these violations may refer to internal organs.

Aromatherapy helps to cope with the effects of stress and has a different harmonizing effect, depending on the duration and dose of aromatherapy. In particular, the incentive for short-term impact and braking, calm with prolonged exposure.

In addition, each oil can cause a very definite effect on the level of cells and cellular structures. For example, peppermint oil reduces high levels of catecholamines in nerve synapses, lavender oil increases levels of serotonin in the nerve cells, and the scent of jasmine is the synthesis of endorphins.

Modern methods of aromatherapy to help cope with the disease in conjunction with conventional treatments. The most simple method - it ignition scented candles and inhaling the aroma. According to the rules of aromatherapy any essential oil should be used in diluted form, and can be used for almost any purpose: applied to the skin and mucous membranes (burying the nose and ear, throat lubrication, sprintsivaniya, enemas), adding to the cosmetic preparations, in the local and general treatment bath oils and even the reception inside.

A number of specific aromatherapy recipes that include the use of several types of oil in a certain ratio in a single session, provide an opportunity to choose for themselves the most appropriate and effective treatment option.

Tags: oil, history, quantity, weight loss, action, techniques, methods, impact, aromatherapy