Anti-cellulite massage at home

Anti-cellulite massage at home
 One thought about cellulite can permanently ruin the mood of any young lady, and if it is accompanied by life, do not regret any money spent on anti-cellulite program. Before running to buy anti-cellulite gels, patches and linen worth trying to do a massage at home. It is possible that this will avoid the trip to the pharmacy.

Cellulite is a result of changes in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, its most "favorite" places are located in the buttocks, upper arms and legs. For massage at home do not need to be trained not require special skills.

One type of massage is done with natural honey, it will help bring toxins, makes the skin supple. You will need warm honey, it is necessary to pre-heat the melt or in a water bath. Couples tablespoons per session will be enough. After taking a bath honey is applied to the field with the "orange peel", first rubbed, and then to do a light pat hand. After the massage is enough to take a shower and rub the skin with a towel. Beware of pain since then can be formed bruises. The procedure is done for two weeks every other day.

Quite effective anti-cellulite massage with a scrub of crushed apricot pits, making it possible to not more than once every five days. To do this, first take a hot bath with sea salt, then steamed and cleaned of dirt and dust is applied to the skin in a circular motion scrub. All problem areas need to massage a few minutes, without exerting any pressure. Then wash off in the shower and scrub residues smear skin firming body cream.

No matter what is done by choice of massage, in parallel through the day, you can spend more simple procedure. Clean skin brush to rub the body, from the ankles and finishing by hand. Then apply a mixture of 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 5 drops of grapefruit essential oil and 5 drops of oil of bergamot. Gentle movements rub into the skin until completely absorbed.

After the first session of massage do not look for improvements, a miracle will happen. You need to have the desire and persevere. Only then "orange peel" can disappear.

Tags: program, home, pets, condition, cellulite massage