5 most unusual beauty treatments

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 If you have already tried all sorts of masks, peels, wraps and do not know how to please your body at this time. In some countries, beauty salons offer a very unusual procedure for skin care. Not the fact that each of them you want to try, but they are, nevertheless, quite curious.
 Thailand - "fish pedicure"

Off the coast of Southeast Asia live fish treatment Garrarufa. These fries are world famous for their ability to eat the dead skin cells, thereby clearing it. Do not be afraid of teeth in them not at all, so that the pain of such a procedure, you will not feel perhaps that would be a bit ticklish. Tiny fish act as pumice stones, rejuvenating your legs. Besides, saliva contains a regenerating them and wound healing agents. "Fish peeling" carried out in an aquarium with lots of fishes, which lowered treated with antiseptic foot. The treatment ends with a traditional pedicure.

Czech Republic - "beer bath"

Following the traditional Czech beer mug offer tourists to take a beer bath and walk unusual massage session with hops. Czechs claim that this procedure helps to cure most skin diseases, and massage with hops useful for muscles and the musculoskeletal system.

England - "The Mask of bovine semen"

This offer cosmetic procedures, perhaps, one of the most original. One of London's beauty salon offers clients a very unusual Repairing Mask for hair, which jokingly referred to as "Viagra for hair." The main component of this miraculous tool - bull semen Aberdeen-Angus breed. People who have tried this procedure, note that it really strengthens and revitalizes damaged hair, restoring their beauty and shine in just a single session.

USA - "Chocolate Massage"

This procedure - a real bliss for a sweet tooth! In the town of Hershey (Pennsylvania) offers customers not only sessions chocolate body wraps, massages and chocolate. Visiting a salon, you can enjoy plenty favorite treat without harm to the figures. Through this massage activates cell metabolism and burn fat, stimulates microcirculation of blood, the skin is saturated with active elements, the nervous system relaxes, releases hormones joy - endorphins.

Japan - "Face Mask from bird droppings"

Geisha and Kabuki actors regularly face masks of bird droppings. You will be surprised, but the Japanese are very fond of this procedure and regularly praised her. It turns out that this product has the properties to restore and whiten skin, making it radiant and healthy looking. Perhaps you soothe that before applying to the face, litter irradiated using UV, which kills harmful bacteria contained therein. Then it is mixed with shredded brown rice and water - get a great scrub.

Tags: massage, beauty treatment