Vacuum massage at home

Vacuum massage at home
 One way to get rid of cellulite and anti-extra inches around the waist is a vacuum massage. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to undergo this procedure in beauty salons. However, it can also be performed at home.
 To create a vacuum effect, different kinds of cans. The most convenient are pneumatic plastikatnye banks: they are easy to use, well attached to the skin and are the most accessible. Second-usability are massage banks pump. Followed by medical glass jars, which in Soviet times was used in bronchitis, pneumonia and colds. In extreme cases, you can do massage conventional glass jars of small size, for example, from baby food.

To facilitate the slip on the skin before the procedure is applied massage oil. Instead, it can be used a special anti-cellulite cream or makeup. The amount of oil or cream should be larger than the conventional manual massage.

The most critical is the process of setting banks on the skin. In the case of plastikatnoy jar it is necessary to squeeze between the thumb and the other fingers, attached to the skin and opened his hand. Bank put on the pump body portion kneaded, and then removed from the air before it until the skin begins to retract inside a roll. For setting the glass jar inside air combusted flame lighters, and then rapidly applied to the body. Flame Lighter hold no more than 3 seconds, otherwise the glass overheating and there is a risk of burns.

After setting banks are along the lines of lymphatic drainage from the center to the sides of the body. At the end of each line bank detach from the skin and then returned to the central portion of the massaged area. According to one line tested 3-4 times, but not more than otherwise remain after the procedure bruises. Avoid localization of lymph nodes and large vessels: the internal surface of the shoulders and hips, groin area folds.

Vacuum massage a course of 15 treatments, with a multiplicity of 2-3 times a week. Bruises, if they appear smeared heparin ointment or gel "Troxevasin."

Tags: house, home, condition, massage