Sweet life: chocolate body wrap at home

Sweet life: chocolate body wrap at home
 Chocolate body wrap - a great way to lift your spirits and improve skin condition. But what about those who have this procedure can not afford, because quality chocolate, and salon services are not cheap. However, this is not an obstacle to preserve the beauty and youth, as a celebration of his body and soul can be and without leaving home.  
 It is difficult to say with certainty when it began to use chocolate in cosmetology. According to legend, the first experience of cocoa body care belongs to a Frenchwoman, whose heart was conquered chocolate bath, presenting it as a gift from a wealthy admirer.

Modern women are more familiar chocolate wrapping, rather than a bath. It is equally useful for the skin. Chocolate contains antioxidants, fats, and other useful substances. Acting on the skin, they improve cell metabolism, ie the replacement of hazardous substances useful and help burn excess fat and eliminate excess fluid retained in the intercellular space. But these circumstances are one of the causes of cellulite.

Quality chocolate is quite expensive, and afford the treatments in the salon not everyone can afford. But why pay for something you can do yourself. Chocolate body wrap at home no less effective. Of course, this is not as convenient, but if it does not affect the result, why not take advantage of this opportunity.

To better utilize wrapping powdered cocoa. It is easier to bring to the desired consistency, and its composition is much closer to natural than the one in the finished chocolate bar. And in order to facilitate the procedure itself, it is better to do a partial wrap, such as problem areas of the body: abdomen, thighs, buttocks. In diluted to a thick cream powder add a few drops of vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is applied with a wide brush on the skin and covered with a thin plastic wrap. After 30 minutes, all washed off with water.

The use of the finished chocolate wrapping is perfectly acceptable if the cocoa product is not in doubt. For one problem area requires 2-3 tiles. To increase the volume of the mixture can be added to a melted mass, and also some milk few drops of vegetable oil. The same mixture can be used as a mask for the face, neck and décolleté. The skin after it becomes supple and velvety.

If the mood is poor, and the skin looks tired - chocolate body wrap at home is a great way to solve two problems at once, because the aroma of cocoa stimulates the hormone of happiness. Here is the procedure - for the soul and body so much fun.

Tags: house condition, bath, living, wrap, domestic, rejuvenation, skin