Spa capsule and seaweed wraps

Spa capsule and seaweed wraps
 Spa capsule and seaweed wraps are designed for modeling beautiful body contours. If spa capsule - a set of instruments, the seaweed wrap - one way of effects on the body that are part of the device.
 SPA-capsule - a recently invented oval cabin as a man standing on a small pedestal, which has a transparent dome. The device on the many recreational water features scattered on different devices. The structure of modern spa capsule includes a steam bath, infrared sauna, Vichy shower, bubble bath, aromatherapy, ionizotor air a special table for seaweed wraps and more.

Experts recommend using SPA-capsule holders of excess weight or those who have as a result of rapid weight loss formed stretch marks and cellulite. By using the whirlpool can not only relieve fatigue and relax the muscles, but also to lighten the mood.

Air ionizer, which is part of the SPA capsule has the function of blowing the skin with a high percentage of oxygen, causing the color of the skin becomes healthy and she gets a great tone.

Another unit, which is part of the SPA capsule is a Vichy shower. It is used for correction and control of muscle pain. Using a Vichy shower, mud can be converted into a more comfortable procedure, the skin then takes on the tone and health.

SPA capsule, which is composed of an infrared sauna, its refreshing dry heat warms the body in the cold season, save us from seasonal depression and cause a feeling of lightness.

Thanks to seaweed wraps, you can saturate the body with minerals and trace elements, to restore the texture and color of the skin, remove toxins, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve metabolism. Furthermore, as a result of exposure to algal wraps can accelerate the healing process of skin lesions and to normalize lymph. If you pass one procedure seaweed wraps, you can get rid of a few millimeters in volume, and passed a full course consisting of 10-15 procedures, remove up to 3 cm in the hips. Couple seaweed wraps courses per year prevents the appearance of cellulite.

SPA-capsule and seaweed wraps have become indispensable helpers women who are accustomed to an active lifestyle, helping them cope with the stresses at work, to raise the immune system and support the body's defenses.

Tags: care course, the body, the procedure, spa, body wrap, spa