Paraffin: saving treatment for hands and feet

Paraffin: saving treatment for hands and feet
 The history of the wax began to use it to treat sprains and strains of muscles. Now the useful properties of this substance is used in cosmetics and skin care hands and feet.
 Molten paraffin is used alone. Imposing it on your skin, you thereby raise its temperature by 1, 5-2 degrees. This causes the intercellular space increase. The upper stratum corneum of the skin is softened. This opens the pores, increased sweating. But paraffin layer prevents moisture to evaporate. This occurs due to hydration of the skin.

Also, by improving blood flow and lymph toxins are released. But because of the relative size of the molecules of the toxins through the skin back to the absorption is not possible. So the skin cleansed of harmful substances, better starts to "breathe".

Procedure paraffin always the most demanded clients of beauty salons. There is nothing better than to plunge into the warm wax. Do not be afraid to get burned. He has a very high heat capacity.

Especially effective paraffin hand. They fully take the brunt of negative external factors. In winter, your skin suffers from dryness, flaking and cracks. And only one session paraffin to get rid of these unpleasant symptoms.

Paraffin Foot has a softening effect on rough skin heels. The skin on them after the procedure becomes simple silk. And it does not require the use of dermabrasion and special adhesives. Also heat during paraffin has a relaxing effect on the client. In paraffin may be added a variety of plant extracts that enhance the effect of this procedure.

Care for the skin of hands and feet using wax is not difficult. In enamelware to "water bath" or a special device to melt the wax it is brought to a liquid state. While he is fired, it should remove the layer of dead cells by scrub.

Paraffin Hand made by applying a liquid agent on the hands. To do this, you must give up to the wrist in paraffin for a few seconds. Immerse the hands 6-8 times. Intervals between dives do ten seconds, the layer of wax had hardened slightly. After that, the hands are put on plastic bags and top dressing gloves. Paraffin left on the hands of 30 minutes then carefully remove it in the direction from the wrist to the fingers. As the completion of the hands are massaged using a moisturizing or nourishing cream. Paraffin Foot carried out in a similar manner.

Contraindications to this procedure are varicose veins, high blood pressure, presence of wounds on the skin surface.

Tags: leather, leg, arm, care, treatment, paraffin