Paraffin, or procedure youth

Paraffin, or procedure youth
 Paraffin - quite popular and very effective procedure for the care of body and face. For all its availability and price of democracy, it has a significant rejuvenating effect. It manifests itself after the first procedure: reducing the number of fine lines, deep wrinkles become less noticeable, the skin becomes smooth and extraordinary softness.
 Before performing paraffin need a good clear skin. To do this, first apply the usual liquid cosmetic - lotion, gel or foam, and then - or scrub exfoliation. Exfoliating significantly enhances the effect of the procedure. After this special brush to the face or certain parts of the body cause stringy, melted paraffin (up to 5 layers). In order to avoid it sticking to the skin must be thoroughly lubricate it with fat cream.

In beauty salons wax is heated in a special apparatus, the same house you can simply melt in a water bath. Before you put wax on the face necessarily impose gauze mask with slits for the mouth, eyes and nose, to facilitate its removal after the procedure. It is important to remember that the skin around the eyes can not be applied to paraffin!

Hands and feet often simply dipped in melted paraffin, and then they put on special protective plastic bags, which can be purchased along with other accessories and cosmetics for paraffin. Hands on top of packages put on terry mittens, feet can simply wrap a towel. Time of the procedure - about 20 minutes. Gauze with paraffin is removed from the face from chin to forehead in the direction.

Paraffin is contraindicated in cuts, abrasions and unhealed wounds, burns and ulcers on the skin. Undesirable and its use in diabetes mellitus, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia. In any case, before applying paraffin should consult with your doctor - especially if you plan to carry out the procedure in the form of wraps.

Paraffin useful to those who are struggling with being overweight, as it improves microcirculation and lymph flow, has anti-cellulite action. With paraffin wraps quite really get rid of a few extra inches on the hips, waist and other problem areas. This kind of caring procedures effective against peeling of the skin, heals microcracks and even prevents aging of the skin.

Paraffin mask, body wraps and applications can be successfully done in the home. It is only necessary to remember that for them is only good special, well-purified paraffin cosmetic - it can be purchased in pharmacies, specialty stores at beauty salons or online stores. To enhance the effect of the procedure in melted wax can drip a little essential oil - the best of lavender, orange or lemon.

Tags: bath, mask, youth, treatment, paraffin