Methods for facial massage

Methods for facial massage
 Massage has become an indispensable part of human life since ancient times. This is an effective means to preserve and strengthen the skin. Thanks to massage the skin's elasticity is maintained, it's still fresh. It stimulates metabolism and removes the decomposition products through the pores of the skin.

Before applying the massage you should consult with your doctor. There are diseases of the skin, where it is contraindicated. For example, massage prohibited under strong inflammation skin, herpes, the presence of flat warts on the face.

Pre hair should be removed under the bandage, wash your hands and get in front of a mirror. The face is cleaned with liquid cream for dry skin and lotion if the skin is oily. After cleansing, apply to the skin is very thin layer of nourishing cream. Having done the preparatory manipulation, you can begin to massage.

There are several ways to massage the face. Basic - two.

The First. The massage is performed easily, without straining. He performed the pads of the fingers. A person need to massage strictly for "massage" lines:
from the nose to the temples,
from the middle of the forehead to the temples,
from the corners of the mouth to the middle, the ear,
from the chin to the most earlobes.

Massage begins with light strokes and turns into a soft pat on the same lines. Can be a little pat on the circular muscle of the eye, from the outer edge to the inner eye, and vice versa. In the presence of a large number of wrinkles on the forehead can be made transverse and longitudinal stroke and effleurage. Massaging chin held very strongly, and is involved in the process, all the hand.

Just need to do 10 procedures facial massage. Each session is 10 minutes. It is advisable to carry out this procedure every day. After the end of a course is necessary to continue to support the results, making the massage about once a week. After each procedure need skin wet cloth to remove remnants of the cream. Face powder, if you're going to come out.

The second method of massage. On the neck and face, apply a thick layer of fat cream. Evenly distribute it, pressing fingertips. Next: middle and ring fingers massage the skin in a circular motion from the temples to the nose. The lateral part of the nose and nasal cartilage massaged middle fingers.

Systematic massage can reduce even very large fat deposits that are found on the cheeks.

Thanks to massage the face, your skin will always look attractive.

Tags: face massage, way