Indian massage with a scoop of Kansu: the path to harmony

Indian massage with a scoop of Kansu: the path to harmony
 Massage Kansu - traditional for the state of Gujarat in India. Kansu - a foot massage, which uses a small bowl, ball, hemispherical, or made of an alloy of five metals. Massage Kansu allows a person to achieve inner harmony and physical health.

The main component of the alloy - copper. Since ancient times it is known that metals have healing and energetic properties. Copper has antibacterial and analgesic properties, reduces inflammation and swelling. Touching the human skin, copper helps to activate the body's defenses and calms the nerves.

Kansu massage performed by exposure to biologically active and reflex points on the foot, each of which has a connection to a specific organ. Movement in this type of massage - is stroking, rubbing and squeezing a bowl or a ball, which is called "Kansu."

Greater effect is achieved by oiling the sole special ayurvedic oil, made from cow's milk and melted purified by special technology. Oil and metal ball (bowls) in contact with human skin react and have the whole body is very beneficial effect.

This type of massage normalizes the energy balance of the body, eliminates stress and fatigue, promotes relaxation and peace, leads to the restoration of inner harmony. Such action massage Kansu because the right moves a metal ball is removed from the body of excess energy of fire - Pitta. A harmony of the inner, as is known, depends largely on physical health.

Kansu-therapy heals all the organs, joints gives flexibility, improves eyesight and memory, gives self-confidence. This massage helps even with hormonal disorders. This massage technique is safe and very effective, so successfully used in many SPA-salons in conjunction with other health-restoring and relaxing treatments.

The duration of a single session is typically 30-50 minutes. Particularly indicated massage Kansu choleric and people suffering from insomnia.

Indian massage Kansu has contraindications. This malignant and benign tumors, for unclear reasons, fever, allergic to the ingredients used in the alloy and oils, skin lesions, unhealed injuries in the massaged area, and infectious fungal disease, mental illness and severe diseases of internal organs.

Tags: massage, path, ball, techniques