How to massage your feet

How to massage your feet
 Foot massage - is not only pleasant, but also a useful exercise. The fact is that on your feet there are many points of receptor stimulation which will have a beneficial effect on the entire body. It is only important to know the main points of such massages.

Before the massage you need to create a special atmosphere. It was from her largely depends on the success of the procedure. Firstly, the room temperature should be comfortable, and secondly "resting" leg must wrap up a rug that people did not feel the chill.

For relaxation massage is advisable to use aromatherapy. Essential oils with a pleasant smell will help to achieve a relaxing effect. And if the massage is to relieve pain, it is recommended to use warm-up creams.

Foot massage, as well as other types of massage begins with a warm-up. Take the foot in the palm, and a second hand rub it actively.

After heating proceed directly to the massage. Each finger foot massaged separately in the direction from the base of the nail. These movements are carried out with fingertips.

Next, proceed to massage the sole of the foot. Commit one hand foot and thumb of the second hand spend massaging circular motion. Moreover, for a more rough skin pressure should be somewhat stronger than those places where the skin is soft. Maximum effort should fall on the heel area.

The upper part of the foot massaged upwards-downwards. Next, pay attention to the bone. They are massaged in a circular motion. Now take the foot with one hand in the area of ​​the tendon and rotate it with the other hand, first clockwise and then in the opposite direction. Will be useful to stretch the toe of the foot (like a ballerina) and stretching it to the other side (to the lower leg).

Then proceed to massage the leg. First produced rubbing movement (warm-up), and then - massaging circular motion describing each muscle. Massage made the top of the bent fingers.

The upper part of the leg is massaged in the same way. However, usually the inner part is not stimulated to avoid bruising, as blood vessels in the area located very close to the skin.

Usually ends with a foot massage massaging the buttocks. After the procedure a person needs some time to lie down and relax.

Tags: foot massage techniques