The dream of every woman - a flat tight stomach. Massage

The dream of every woman - a flat tight stomach. Massage
 Flat tight stomach - the dream of many women. To get rid of the layer of fat on my stomach a little diet and exercise, it is also desirable to massage. This procedure increases blood circulation, accelerate fat metabolism, improves peristalsis and eliminate congestion. Abdominal massage can do yourself at home.

Plucking massage

This is one of the simplest and most effective methods of getting rid of fat on the abdomen. Plucked for self-massage is not required Massager - need your hands. Before the procedure, it is desirable to warm up your muscles - do exercises for the press, jump rope, or dance to upbeat music. After the workout, lie on your back and start with fingers pinch the skin on the abdomen, moving clockwise. During the massage, you can use a special oil or cream that will increase the effectiveness of the procedure and help you lose weight in the problem domain. After the good quality massage the skin to be reddened. After the procedure, the belly rub with a towel.

Abdominal massage must be done daily for 10-15 minutes, 2 hours before or 2 hours after eating.

Cup massage

Make a flat stomach and fit, you can use silicone massage cans, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Before the procedure, lubricate belly massage oil or vegetable with a few drops of essential oil of citrus. Then squeeze banks, attach them to the stomach and make circular movements. The vacuum helps to break down fat and oil eliminates toxins and makes the skin firm and elastic. Cup massage also helps to get rid of cellulite.

Massage course will be more effective if you follow a diet and discard fat, sweet and starchy foods.

Water massage

Good promotes weight loss in general and get rid of fat in the abdomen water massage. For this procedure, you must purchase a massaging element to shower. Water pressure make stronger, the water temperature should be comfortable, but cool. After the massage, apply to the skin a moisturizing cream or cosmetic oil. Water slimming massage tones and invigorates, helps simulate the shape and makes the skin smooth and supple. This procedure improves the process of digestion.

Honey massage

This procedure - an effective tool for weight loss and skin tightening on the abdomen and thighs. Honey massage not only makes the body slimmer, but also helps to eliminate toxins from the skin and excess fluid. Take a small amount of honey - 3-4 teaspoons, mix it with 10 drops of essential oil of orange or rosemary. Apply a bit of a mixture in the palm and start patting his stomach and thighs. Hands will adhere to the skin, creating a vacuum effect. After honey turns white, it is necessary to proceed and wash with fresh. After honey massage is recommended to moisten the skin of the abdomen apple cider vinegar.

Tags: stomach, massage, female, weight loss, dream, each