Pressure therapy - massage apparatus

Pressure therapy - massage apparatus
 Pressure therapy - a relatively new but already well proven method of hardware massage. Its basis - the impact on the patient's body by means of compressed air pumped into a special pressure suit. Rhythmic alternation of compressions and pauses creates a deep massage effect, affecting not only the skin and subcutaneous fat, and muscles, and large vessels.

During the session presso air supply is regulated by a computer. Massage suit worn by the patient consist of separate parts segments. They can be used together or separately, wearing only "problem" areas or parts of the body. The machine has 15 operating modes - they can be combined in a single session at the discretion of the physician.

Pressure therapy sessions can be carried out 1-3 times a week, depending on the feelings of the patient and medical indications. Typically course includes from 6 to 15 treatments, the duration of each of which - about half an hour. The effect of this type of hardware massage felt after the first session: there is a nice relaxation and ease in the body, and after a while the patient feels a burst of energy and vigor, his mood improves, there is a feeling of euphoria. These sensations associated with that pressomassazh improves circulation of blood in the body and lymph hence accelerates metabolism and has a tonic effect. In addition, this kind of hardware massage helps to restore the elasticity of the skin and get rid of excess weight.

Medical indications for pressure therapy are post-operative rehabilitation, swelling, weakness and heaviness in the legs, obesity. "Air" massage also improves the immune system and has positive effects on the nervous system - helps to resist stress and struggle with sleep disorders. Beauticians recommend its use for cellulite, saggy and flabby skin. Medical and cosmetic effect pressure therapy enhances its alternation with wraps, elektrolipoliz, hardware biostimulation and other procedures.

This type of hardware massage there are contraindications: skin diseases, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, edema caused by renal failure, recent serious injuries (bruises, sprains and fractures). It should not be used during menstruation and pregnancy. Before you schedule a pressure therapy, be sure to consult with your doctor - it helps to avoid possible side effects of the procedure and after the exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Tags: cellulite, weight, massage,