Massages at home

Massages at home
 The therapeutic properties of massage have been known since ancient times. With the help of massage can get rid of a variety of ailments - from stress and tension to colds and other chronic diseases. To receive regular relaxing massage, do not necessarily go to a massage therapist, massage treatments can make yourself at home, and they are sufficiently effective and efficient.

One of the most useful is acupressure, which affects the biologically active points on the feet and the palms of each person. Massage these points you can own with a wooden ball with a diameter of 3-4 cm.

Thanks to this regular massage, you can improve your mood, relieve stress, reduce fatigue, restore your face beauty and youth, enhance the regenerative processes in the body. To massage the palm wood beads is very simple. Just gently roll the ball along the contour of the palm of his left hand in a circular motion, and then begins to shift circles, spirals Laminating ball toward the center of the palm. Squeeze the ball in his hands and shake your hand. Then repeat the massage in the palm of his left hand.

After finishing hand massage, go to massage the feet. Sit in a comfortable position on the hard chair and leaned back in his. Put the ball on the floor on a mat and put the ball on the left foot so that the ball appeared just below the arch of the foot. Begin to roll the ball, performing smooth motion foot, trying to cover the whole foot during the massage. Change the foot and roll the ball right foot. Massage each foot and hand every five minutes - the total duration of the massage should be about half an hour, taking into account the interruption.

In addition to the balls, you can be successfully used for tonic massage bamboo sticks for Japanese cuisine. Take two sticks of different diameters and different lengths, then start gently rub and knead the skin of different parts of the body, changing the rhythm of impact and force of pressure on the skin. Rolled rods can not only on the legs, arms, abdomen and thighs, but in the face - roll the wand horizontally and vertically on the cheeks, forehead, chin and cheeks. It makes the skin supple and elastic.

Tags: domestic, condition, massage, kind, self-massage