Hydrotherapy: cold and hot tubs

Hydrotherapy: cold and hot tubs
 Hydrotherapy can be called and treatment and enjoyment as it relaxes the body and at the same time makes it a healing effect. Water treatment involves pouring, wiping, shower and bath. Each of these methods is the impact of different sensations. But most of them are pleasant bath.

In hydrotherapy are different types of baths: cold (below 20 ° C), cool (20-32oS), warm (38-39oS) and hot (40 ° C and above). Each of them is its effect on the body. This occurs through the nerve endings in the skin. At this temperature irritation respond primarily diseased organs modified tissues in which enhanced circulation and gradual recovery at the cellular level.

Cold baths are useful for general strengthening of the body, in the treatment of neuroses and obesity. Their length rarely exceeds 3 minutes. Under the influence of cold occurs first contraction and then expansion of blood vessels, as well as the accumulation of heat, and then it returns. These physiological changes increase metabolism and enhance the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. If the duration of the procedure corresponds to the reactivity of the body, after the cold water there is a feeling of freshness, vitality and light excitation. Otherwise felt depressed and irritable state.

Warm baths are useful for nervousness, mental disorders, for some skin diseases, inflammatory processes, as well as diseases of the kidneys and lungs. Warm water gradually warms the body, calms the nervous system, improves sleep. Warm baths can take up to 30 minutes or more.

Hot baths have a strong influence on the body, so be appointed only if the satisfactory condition of the cardiovascular system, as well as the absence of tuberculosis, bleeding, Graves' disease, general weakness and exhaustion. They strengthen the heart, blood flow to the skin, increase the temperature of the body and lead to excessive sweating. Hot baths are useful at a reduced metabolism (with gout and obesity), diseases of the joints rheumatic origin, bone disorders, nerves, muscles, skin diseases, hepatic and intestinal colic. Hot tubs taken from several seconds to 2 minutes, with a good state of the cardiovascular system up to 10 minutes.

Hydrotherapy is useful not only for treatment but also for prevention. However, the benefit from it can only be subject to a number of rules. These include the regularity and timeliness (Bath is not earlier than 1, 5-2 hours after a meal), the continuity of their treatment, taking into account contraindications, compliance with the water temperature and the duration of the procedure.

Tonic cool bath is better to do before lunch, and soothing - at any time of day or night. Each procedure should go into a long rest.

Tags: bath, cold, hot