How to massage your eyes

How to massage your eyes
 Massage the eye - it is a very useful procedure, which also contributes to the achievement of several objectives. However, they need to use, knowing the basic principles of influence. The good news is that it is possible to massage the eye alone.  
 Ocular massage is of three types: medical, hygienic and plastic. All of them are made only in the direction of massage lines. During the procedure, the skin rubbing, stroking, Tapping, knead and have her vibrating action. It is necessary to ensure that it does not stretch, and the movements were light and rhythmic.

Massage is usually done to relieve fatigue, improve vision and to pull the skin around the eyes. Before proceeding to it, you need to clean the face of makeup and wash your hands thoroughly. Then, using massage cream or almond oil to lubricate the skin around the eyes. This should be done with the fingers and slightly Tapping the skin, as if playing the piano. Then start gently and slowly massage the sensitive skin smooth movements. They should have the following areas: the massage of the upper eyelid movement should be directed from the inner corner of the eye to the outside, and when massaging the lower eyelid, on the contrary, from the outer to the inner corner.

After a light tapping you need to go to the stroking of the skin. It runs a little differently than the previous procedure. Fingers to do light circular motion, starting from the nose, eyebrows rising to going down to the temples and passing to the lower eyelid stroking heading towards the inner corner. Then repeat these two procedures and wipe the face decoction of herbs with a cotton swab.

This description is very simple massage. But it is possible to do complex exercise. For example, as follows:

- Massaging the skin on the eyebrows. To do this, they need to grab your thumb and index finger and press down heavily, gradually making massage the entire length of the eyebrows and heading to the temples.

- Blinking with resistance. To perform this exercise, you need to average or index fingers above the eyebrows to fix and lift the skin up, and do not let go until it blinks slowly 20 times. To be effective, such an exercise to be performed on the three approaches.

Tags: eye massage techniques, self-massage