How do Chinese massage

How do Chinese massage
 Chinese massage principles and, in particular, acupressure, is fundamentally different from the principles and techniques that are used by Europeans. Chinese acupressure is based on the physical impact on the acupressure points of the body, each of which is directly linked to any internal organ. Do Chinese massage of reflex zones can be independently and for this we need to know where these points are. When performing massage using fingertips or sometimes nail.

For kneading points used pad of the thumb. If you want to work on large muscle groups or more points near, use an edge palm. This technique helps to eliminate muscle stiffness, relieve stress.

Pressure on the point also holds the pad of the thumb, to enhance the effect uses squeezing knuckles and palm edge. Pressing is done gradually increasing the pressure, it may take a few minutes. With this action on the point is relaxation and reduction in nervous tension. If squeezing lasts a few seconds, then, conversely, there is stimulation and body toning.

In order to activate the lymph and blood flow, apply rubbing or stroking the point. Movement should be light, without strong pressure.

To increase the muscle tone of public, for example, located in the facial area, using vibration by receiving large pads or the middle finger. To open the back muscles can use a clenched fist, making this technique.

Touch-Chinese massage, pressure should be made directly to the point. It is fixed in the penetrating action for 3 minutes, during reception, the patient may feel numbness in the place or the voltage at some points may be painful.

Pressure force on a point regulated by their own feelings and the feelings of the patient. If you experience severe pain, the impact should be weakened. Normal sensation during massage points - heat and numbness.

Tags: massage, point, pressing