Heated stones to help cope with the pain and tension in the muscles, "stiffness", sprains, sciatica and cold. Refrigerate their own - and you get the perfect remedy for varicose veins, stress and chronic fatigue. However, in order to healing "stones" retain the desired temperature as long as possible, experts use them on the basis of unique natural characteristics of each breed. Basalt "holds" warm for 30 minutes, and sleek marble is ideal for cooling massage. Stones with a porous structure - an excellent exfoliant for oily skin of the back and an excellent tool in the fight against cellulite.
If you want to master the technique of self-stounmassazha, know to use ordinary stones, which can be collected in the forest or on the coast can not be used! To sharp edges do not injure the skin, the future inventory massage carefully processed manually or mechanically. Therefore, buy stones in a specialty store or via the Internet to stone therapy at home was pleasant and efficient.
Before each use, the stones are thoroughly cleaned with the detergent solution. Then put them in the adaptation to heat, leave it there for 10-15 minutes until it reaches the desired temperature. Then stones are placed on the patient's body, according to one of the existing schemes, which differ depending on the desired result. To kneaded reached absolute bliss, body smeared with essential oils of orange, bergamot and mint. Twenty minutes of this massage - and you look as if he had just returned from vacation!