Beauty massage

Beauty massage
 The facial skin is often adversely affected by external factors: the sun, cold, wind. That is why it requires careful maintenance. Facial massage will help to keep your skin in good shape to retain her youth and freshness.

Facial massage regulates metabolic processes of the skin, stimulates blood circulation. Resorting to this procedure at least once a week, you'll get a healthy complexion and smooth, radiant skin.

Before starting the main procedure is usually carried out preparatory massage of the neck. It consists of rubbing and stroking undulating. In the area of ​​thyroid masssirovat wrong with extreme care. It begins with massaging the temporal and frontal muscles. When this is done grinding, accompanied by spiraling movements, from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

Massage eyelids done very gently and carefully. He is accompanied by light stroking fingertips. Also an integral procedure is easy Uninterruptible vibration of the eyelids.

Massage nose consists of stroking and rubbing and moving compressions on the wings of the nose. Held light massage movements in the direction from the nose to the tip of the nose, which terminate at the point between the eyebrows.

Massage the cheeks are usually performed on 3 lines: along the lower jaw to the middle of the chin, along the jaw to the base of the nose, on the corners of the lower jaw to the corners of the mouth. For these three lines is usually performed undulating stroking, rubbing and squeezing dotted.

Chin stroking and rubbing in a circular motion. Upper lip massage using the ring finger of both hands. Stroking movements are carried out in a direction from the nasolabial folds up over the mouth and then to podborodnoy fossa.

Facial massage should be performed at least 20-30 minutes. And given a steam bath and compress the entire procedure takes about 40-50 minutes. If the skin is normal, then 1-2 times a month would be enough. If the skin is loose and flabby, you need to perform this procedure 3-4 times a month.

Tags: face massage