Today, wine wrap is often included in the program of rejuvenation, as in wine contains antioxidants that slow the aging process.
In the salons for wine wraps use tools Caudalie or creamy pulp, consisting of grape pulp and natural wine yeast. Sometimes add essential oils or honey. Wrap of white grapes helps fight against stretch marks. Alatonin and chitosan, which are contained in it, retain moisture. Enhance immunity contribute wraps based on seed and pulp of red grapes.
In order to carry out the procedure wraps at home, you must take 1/2 cup of dry kelp, powdered (it can be bought at any pharmacy). Then pour boiling water and leave to infuse for twenty minutes. After that, the solution must be mixed with 1/2 cup kelp dry red wine and add to the mix 4 tablespoons of blue clay.
Before the procedure, be sure to clean the skin. This can be done using any scrub. Then wrap produce the best effect.
After cleansing, you need to put on a damp skin of the body to the wine mixture wraps. Then wrap with cling film and put on top to warm robe and relax a bit in the horizontal position. After one hour, it is necessary to take a contrast shower and put on a body nourishing cream.
Wine wraps are contraindicated in hypertension, skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases and gynecological diseases.