Application of wax used for the treatment of subacute and chronic diseases of the joints, ligaments and muscles, the effects of trauma (to improve circulation and resorption seals), inflammation of the lungs (especially in children), disorders of the digestive system, inflammation of the female and male genital organs, diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Paraffin is used in diseases of the nervous system, leading to pain - with radiculitis, neuritis, neuralgia.
Mask of wax are used extensively in cosmetics and treatment of skin diseases. They help to improve the nutrition of the skin of the face and hands, give them a soft and smooth out fine wrinkles and eliminate traces of acne after. After treatment, paraffin skin rejuvenates and acquires an even and healthy complexion. In dermatology, these procedures are used to treat eczema and dry red lichen. On the face or hands first layer of wax is applied, heated to 55C, and it is applied only on gauze soaked in paraffin higher temperature.
Paraffin baths are used to warm the extremities - hands and feet. During the procedure, the fingers should be held tightly. Apply paraffin warmed to 50 ° C, thereby creating a protective layer. Next limb immersed in an oilskin pouch (in the form of gloves or boots) filled with molten paraffin (60-66oS), tied and wrapped a woolen scarf.
Length paraffin is 30-60 minutes every day or two. After the procedure is shown vacation and stay warm even for 40-60 minutes. Otherwise, the temperature difference will cause vasoconstriction and does not give a positive result. Moreover, heated by the skin is more susceptible to supercooling can be obtained as a result does not recover, and the inverse effect.
Paraffin is contraindicated in acute inflammatory processes, tuberculosis, various tumors, tendency to bleeding and hypertension. Therefore, performing procedures associated with exposure to hot temperatures (in this case paraffin) is best carried out under the supervision of a physician and after the test.