Baths can be general and local. Taking a common bath, the patient sits in the water so that the neck and heart were above water. Local designed for specific areas of the body. This can be manual or footbaths.
Water temperature baths are divided into:
- Cold - 18-20 degrees;
- Cool - up to 33 degrees;
- Indifferent - 34-35 degrees;
- Warm - 36-38 degrees;
- Hot - up to 40 degrees.
Cold and cool baths have a stimulating and toning effect on the body. They are prescribed for depression and neurasthenia, to enhance immunity, and in order hardening.
Warm and indifferent calm the nervous system and skin. They help with insomnia, relieve itching, improve appetite.
Hot tub - good help in the treatment of joints, colds, metabolic disorders.
Take baths should be no earlier than 2 hours after, and not later than half an hour before meals. After the bath, need a break, so it's best to take it at bedtime. Very important regularity of the procedure - every day or every other day, or efficiency drops. Very dangerous excessive enthusiasm: you can not sit too long in the bath or make the water too hot; it is impossible to pour the ingredients into the water on the principle of "the more, the better." Lying in the bath need calm, relaxed, under the head and neck is better to put a towel. Water should not cover the area of the heart. If you feel discomfort - fatigue, or palpitations - immediately interrupt the procedure.
Salt bath improves blood circulation, stimulates the sensory receptors in the skin. It is recommended for those who want to lose weight and improve skin condition. 1, 5 kg or sea salt in a cloth bag dip in warm water and wait until dissolved. Bag needs to impurities were not included in the bath.
Milk chocolate bath. At 0, 5 liters of milk dissolve the chocolate bar and heat, without boiling. Add the mixture into water. This bath is very useful for the skin, making it smooth and silky.
Serve the same purpose glycerol bath. Add in a warm bath of 50 g of glycerol. Duration of treatment 20 minutes.
Pine baths are very useful in the treatment of respiratory, vegetative-vascular dystonia, a disease of the joints. To prepare the pine extract at home, boil the needles of spruce, pine, cedar 15-20 minutes in the water, then let stand in a sealed container for 12 hours. The broth should be brown. Procedures required for 1 liter of extract. Take a bath for half an hour. Just need 10-15 procedures.
At therapeutic baths have Contraindications: varicose veins, angina, cardiovascular diseases, open tuberculosis, liver cirrhosis.