The strength of essential oils for relaxation

The strength of essential oils for relaxation
 It has long been known that plant smells strongly influence the person. They wake up the memory, strengthens the emotional, stimulate brain activity. Choose the right essential oils for personal use is important because perception and tolerance of all people are different.
 Aromas of essential oils are multi-tone structure, the complex composition. This affects the entire body and, of course, that different odors each person reacts differently. To produce the desired effect it is necessary to know which flavors you the most suitable, and how to use it is not necessary at all. This is especially true fragrances for relaxation and recuperation.

All essential oils - potent substance. Contact with them should be very careful. The most optimal way - to seek advice from a specialist. In the case of self-administration must be as accurately as possible to follow medical advice and resort to all their senses to understand what flavor "your".

Subsequent how you affect the aroma of lavender. It is believed that it can show you the way to "your" essential oils.

In the Middle Ages, lavender was used in sleep disorders, convulsions, nervous breakdowns, tantrums. Concentrated essential oil helps with headaches and skin diseases. In those days, quite rightly believed that lavender saves from plague and cholera. Lavender treated burns, difficult healing wounds and even gangrene. Do not do without it, and in the treatment of respiratory and renal diseases.

All these properties are relevant to this day. Lavender is perhaps one of the few plants that never forgets. Delicate and subtle smell in a few minutes to calm down and help to cope with any stressful situations. You will not notice how fall asleep, dropping the pillow just 1 drop of essential oil.

To relax the muscles after a day and a good night's sleep, take lavender baths. Total oil and 5-7 drops of 15 min. you just want to feel the peace and quiet. In addition, it is the perfect remedy for tired feet. Medicinal properties of lavender are inexhaustible. This is truly one of the most wonderful plants on the planet.

Equally popular for its relaxing properties rose essential oil. Covered with numerous legends, the scent of her smoky, slightly sweet, gentle.

The essential oil of damask rose (Turkish, Bulgarian) calms in a state of anger, depression and severe attacks of jealousy. Rose fragrance is considered a purely feminine, and therefore resort to it is better for them. In moments of anxiety he gives confidence in their feminine charm, helps to emphasize the appeal.

Use rose essential oil can and aromatic lamps 5 drops, and medallions 1-2 drops. Undeniable pleasure take a relaxing bath with 5-7 drops of precious oil.

Tags: oil, power, scent, relaxation