Remove belly fat in 2 weeks, do you think it is impossible? Everything is possible, and this should heed the recommendations further and simply perform a series of simple steps.
In order to get rid of belly a couple of weeks, it is necessary, first of all, clean your body from all sorts of toxins.
We all know that over the years in our intestines accumulates many different toxins, which subsequently decompose and produce all sorts, not useful substances, since then we begin to gain weight, get cellulite and other skin diseases and organs. Here it is from these wastes and should be disposed of. This does not require fasting or sit on a grueling diets, no, you just need to restore the body's cleansing system, and then we intestines to work properly, be able to cope with the accumulated Zhirkov himself.
For bowel cleansing before all, you need to use an enema (1, 5-2 liters), which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Yes, it's pretty squeamish and unpleasant way, but if you want to remove tummy in 2 weeks, you should not think about it.
With the help of an enema to clean the intestines and harmful toxins are gradually removed from the body, and, consequently, you start to drop significantly in volume, your stomach becomes nice and flat after only a couple of weeks. From the body over time, completely removed all the unnecessary fat and water protection that produces the intestine to protect against toxins.
Make an enema of two liters of water and a teaspoon of salt dissolved completely in the water. We perform the procedure for two weeks in a day and a week later you will notice improvement and visible results. For two weeks the person is able to lose up to six pounds of weight and volume of the stomach at the same time could be reduced by 7-10 centimeters.
In addition, during the purification of the body eliminate from the diet of all fat and high-calorie foods, otherwise you will not see results. Take as much liquid of any plan, except carbonated drinks. For best performance, the excretory system, you can take tea diuretic herbs. Remember to remove the excess weight in the abdominal area, the water exchange in the body must be very active.
Together with the process of cleansing the body or apart from it to reduce waist size is also recommended to do the exercises with hoop and rock press. Wrap able to warm up the abdominal muscles and increase blood circulation, and press at the same time make them stronger and more resilient.
After cleansing the stomach, proceed to the next stage of purification - cleansing the liver. A stage for even greater weight loss with a rather small time interval.