Acting on certain acupressure points on the body, acupressure activates the energy in this area, which in turn forwarded to the body are inextricably linked to that point. Apply pressure on acupuncture points need your fingers - it will make the most effective massage. Each point has a diameter of not more than 2.10 mm, and there is a large number of nerve endings. Locate hotspots can be as ready for cards that are masseurs, and according to some external characteristics - depressions, bumps, ligaments, muscles, and so on.
In ancient China, the scientists found that the human body is divided into equal portions, and their border is most active points. Before you begin to learn massage techniques, you need to thoroughly learn the location of the major biologically active points to apply to them the desired impact force. For example, at a point close to nerves and blood vessels effect to be weaker than a point on the bone and ligaments. Depending on the kind of goal masseur, and how the disease he suffers selected points for self-massage.
What is important is not only the diagnosis, but also the severity of the disease, as well as the fact whether it is acute or chronic. If the body is weakened, it is possible to influence the point that tone the body and return him to power. Only then can be activated in other massage points that directly affect the treatment. The first massage should not be too long and should not cause discomfort. If you click on the point of painful, it means that the body corresponding to the point, is sick. The technique uses a different point of self-massage techniques - stroking, rubbing, kneading and others.
Stroking the active points need to perform with your fingertip, making the rotational movement. It is used in the points located on the face, neck and hands. Grinding pads are also made large or middle finger, a rotation in a clockwise direction. Kneading - a pressure on the point of the tip of the thumb. If the points are symmetric, need to press two thumbs, producing a rotational motion with increasing pressure.
Also used entrapment when the skin is captured three fingers in the fold, rotate and squeezed, and vibration with the vibrational motion, during which the finger is not detached from the skin. If you press down on the skin continuously, smoothly and slowly massage will create a calming effect. If you press on the same point briefly and strongly, and then hold a deep kneading massage is invigorating.