In category Beauty: Short hairstyles 2009 (photo)
One fine morning, standing on an alarm clock and prishlepav on autopilot to the bathroom, you you looked in the mirror and understand - it's time to do something about it. Downcast eyes lower, you decide - it's time! It seems still young and looks good, but the swelling under the eyes, appeared here and there wrinkles and, of course, most importantly disorder - cellulite.
You can buy a ton of expensive creams, massage, or even pull their socks up and collect the money for the operation. But all this will require large cash infusions, enough time, and operations in general stress on the body.
In fact, there is an easier way to solve the problem, for this you just go into the kitchen and take a couple of spoons.Spoons can be any, but if the farm are found cupro-nickel or silver - all beautiful!
Prepare two containers with hot and cold water (you can use herbal teas), moisturizing and nourishing creams for the face and body, anti-cellulite cream or honey. Any special skills you do not need, all that you need - is to be able to do a circular massage movements and observe one important rule: moving the spoon clockwise, it should be pushing in the opposite direction - only lightly stroking the skin.
Let's start with the person. The first step is to clean the skin and apply a moisturizing cream (as an option - the essential oil). You can begin to massage.
Eyelids. Spoons strongly cooled and is applied to the eyelids. Do this 5 times and you will see that the swelling decreased significantly. The regular repetition of this exercise will also help tighten the skin on the upper eyelid.
Here, however, we should remember that if you have redness or rash, it is impossible to cool spoon.
For the face will be very useful applying alternating hot and cold spoons to different regions.
For wrinkles spoons recommended good heat and grease nourishing cream or honey.
Forehead. Apply your heated spoons to the base of eyebrows and lead them towards the temples, making light circular movements. Do this 10 times.
Nasolabial folds. Spoon lead from the lips cheeks in the direction of the ears. Begin to move first from the upper lip, and then - from the bottom. Take a few times.
Now pay attention to the neck, chest and hands.With spoons you'll be able to get rid of double chin, improve skin tone and tighten muscles.
Hands massaging cooled, lubricated with a nourishing cream with a spoon. Start from the inner side of the elbow. Bring up the spoon, massaging the skin in a spiral. Then pay attention to the outside. Do not have pity on 10 minutes for this exercise and soon you will notice that the shape of the hands became more attractive.
Décolletage massaging warm spoons, Well lubricated with a special cream or olive oil. Start from the hollows and rotational motion to move to the axilla.
For neck massage Use the same cream or butter and warm spoon. Starting at the base of the neck, gradually moving to the chin.
If you decided to take a serious, it is useful to pay attention to the buttocks, stomach and thighs.
Tobody massage spoons Take larger, properly cool them, smazh anti-cellulite cream or honey and start the procedure.
Massagebuttocks should first from the center point to the sides. Then vigorously Walk in the direction from bottom to top (circular motion).
Turning to
hips, Remember: the inner surface is processed from the bottom up, the outside - in the opposite direction. Make circular movements from the knees to the pelvic region.
Good results can be achieved,massaging the abdomen. Daily treatments will make it flatter and fit. First move in a circle around the navel. Then climb the top, and then move to the side. Do not forget thatspoon should be cold and lubricated cream.
If you have a complaint to the back, it can do and it. But then you need help like-minded people. In the end, you can draw boyfriend or husband, who had not managed to escape to work. If you bring serious arguments (for example: "For you also try!" Or "Who gave me that dress, purple, with an open back?"), He certainly will not refuse.
So, back massage should start from the coccyx and keep the spoon in a circular motion along the line edges, gradually moving up. To achieve the best results required to pay back about 15 minutes.
Author techniques cosmetologist Rene Koch recommends formassage spoons allocate approximately 30 minutes before breakfast. This should be done, of course, daily.
These are the miracles can do an ordinary spoon. Only half an hour massage every morning you provide elasticity of the skin, smart features and help get rid of cellulite. So if you have a spoon - can be taken right now. And if there are no spoons (well, for example, you are Chinese), then drop everything and run to the store for spoons - can be after this article, they will be gone!
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady