Before starting the massage thoroughly clean face and neck from cosmetics, hands should also be clean. Touch should be light and delicate, do not need to stretch and rub the skin. Is best done with a Japanese massage in the morning, in order to achieve maximum efficiency.
Start massage with pressure on the point in the eye area. First massage the area at the base of the eyebrows, and then - on the sides of the nose at the inner corners of the eyes. Pad of his thumb slide from the upper eyelid to these points.
Mash the outer corners of the eyes and the ends of the upper eyelid, it will help to improve the functioning of the brain, relieve fatigue from his eyes. Find a pair of eyes and point to the power of push pads of four fingers, iterate over them and work out the movement in the direction of the ears. So you normalize the functioning of the heart, the body's defense against infection.
From points in the middle of the forehead (at the base of the eyebrows) to the hair massage the forehead, easily moving all his fingers. These movements improve the sharpness of vision and overall health. To improve performance, determine the paired points at which the hair down to the temples and continue to massage the forehead, and horizontally to the center.
From the inner corner of the eye swipe sliding downward movement, then do some massaging undulations over the ears - this is necessary for memory improvement and normalization of the kidney.
The next stage is performed in the neck and mouth. Smooth movements move through the hollow under the nose to the corners of the mouth, massage the area. Press down on the point under the skull (at the edge of posterior fossa) and move forward to the ears. Return to the lips and walk lightly on the corner of the lips to the hollow under his nose.
Massage the chin, from the center to the corners of the lips, then go from chin to cheek, up to his ears. Complete massage from the middle of the neck tendons to the throat, trying to act all fingers.
After graduating from massage moisturize the skin lean tonic or lotion. To achieve a visible effect, it is necessary to do a Japanese massage every day for two weeks - and you will notice how smooth wrinkles, skin refreshed and will look healthier.