Cellulite looks very unattractive: the skin in the thigh area looks loose, rough, bumpy, recalling his appearance orange peel. However, cellulite - it is the outward manifestation of stagnation in the skin that occur as a result of slow circulation of lymph and blood. Hence, to get rid of cellulite, you need to improve lymph and blood circulation in problem areas of the body.
With such a task copes special hydro cellulite, which is a local underwater massage strictly defined areas of the body. The first hot tub was established more than seventy years ago, and even then, it was noted the beneficial effects of water massage on the human body.
Most modern beauty salons and spas offer services for the professional course whirlpool, with which you can quickly achieve visible results. Typically, anti-cellulite session lasts about an hour whirlpool.
At the beginning of the procedure the client simply relax under the soft water jets, getting used to the water temperature. Then an experienced massage therapist with a strong water jet directed action begins on the problem areas of the body. During this procedure improves blood and lymph circulation, accelerating metabolism, excreted waste and inveterate fat cells, improves the general condition of the body and mental attitude of man.
If the session was held whirlpool correctly, the skin after it should acquire a uniform shade of pink and be hot to the touch. In no case should not be swelling and bruising on the body, is completely eliminated expression of any discomforts. The result will be reached faster if cellulite hydro combined with other cosmetic treatments such as miostimulyatsiya, various wraps, use special creams and gels.