In order to make the "right" massage, you'll need a hard surface (no special couch, you can use ordinary table) and lubricants (oils, lotions - they can be purchased at the pharmacy).
Massage should begin with stroking the surface. Follow the easy movement from the waist, rising to the shoulders. Repeat them in reverse order. Go to stroking his shoulders. Despite the ease of movement should be sufficiently intense.
After this training, you can move on to deeper stroking. They performed the side of his hand. Perform these massage movements must be diagonally.
Another receiving relaxing massage - rubbing. It improves blood flow to the muscle tissue back and relaxes muscles. Movements are performed similarly as in the stroking surface, however with a greater intensity. Especially should carefully approach the kneading neck and shoulders. Then mash the left and then right back.
After performing all the above methods, you can go to the kneading, which is performed with his fingertips. To do this, grab the skin, however, try to massage is not turned into an ordinary "tingle". Area of the spine when kneading can not touch it.
Finish the massage by pressure by placing the fingers at a distance of three or four inches from the spine, pressing slightly. Thus move upwards and then downwards along the spine. Then do some stroking movements.
On average, a back massage lasts no more than fifteen or twenty minutes.
Do not forget that even ordinary relaxing massage has contraindications. It is not recommended to massage a person suffering from diseases of the skin (hives, eczema, boils, ulcers and shingles), acute inflammatory processes or diseases of the cardiovascular system. Ideal - before the massage to consult with an experienced physician.