Cosmetic procedure begins with cleansing facial special foam or cream. Sam massage is done by applying gentle pressure with your fingers or stroking the inside of his hand, and on certain lines on the face, neck and décolleté. Completely eliminate a lot of pressure on the skin, as well as stretching.
If you are new to massage the face, do not expose your skin long exposure.
Limit 6 minutes, and the second time already significantly increase the procedure,
up to about 15 minutes. Since facial massage helps to improve blood circulation,
relaxes the skin, the best time for it - an hour before bedtime.
After cleansing, apply to face and neck, or any cosmetic cream
serum. Slightly pressing fingertips, go over the line of massage
the center of the chin to the ear lobes. Then place your fingers just above the edge of the bottom
lips, and climb them towards the lobes. And one after another pass
The following massage lines: from the corners of the lips to the middle ear from the wings of the nose to the temples,
from the center of the nose to the superciliary arches to the temples.
Particular attention should be paid to the eye area. Careful pat
passes fingertips from the outside corner of the eye to the inside on the bottom
century. Then, from the inner corner of the eye to the outside, grabbing eyebrows.
Be sure to get a massage against a second chin. For this purpose the rear side
palm prohlopyvayte this area for 1 - 3 minutes. And finally, take a
attention to the area of the neck. Passes with his hands, gently stroking in the direction of
the collarbone to the chin.